

Amazing Race and Intern Training



My first week of the internship in the Czech Republic has been both challenging and rewarding. After arriving in Prague, we immediately started the Josiah Venture Amazing Race, which involved running around the country, completing challenges, and working as a team. It was exhausting, but my team placed second. The following days were spent in intern training, which was incredibly encouraging. We had lessons on various spiritual topics and connected with people from different cultures. I am now in Ostrava, and will be here for three weeks before camps start, doing school visits and various other activites to serve the missionaries here.

Me and my team I will be working with this summer at intern training. From left to right: Samuel, Josh, Aidan, Rosie, Me, and Tom.

The first week of my internship is over and it was an interesting week. We landed in Prague Thursday around noon and then began the Josiah Venture Amazing Race a few hours later. The last thing I wanted to do at that time was be around people or do anything but sleep; however, for the next day and a half we were running (quite literally) around the Czech Republic. It was difficult. The amazing race was an event between the different teams of interns from different countries Josiah Venture works in. We had to follow route cards, find checkpoints, do challenges, and work as a team.

We slept in tents Thursday night and then began the race again early Friday morning. My Czech team got second, and I finally got a shower and a bed Friday night. In the end, the event was fun but quite exhausting and draining for me.

A route card used in the amazing race.

Where we stayed in tents the first night of the race.

The next four days were intern training. This was a really great and encouraging time. Each day we had around six lessons about different spiritual topics and things we needed to be prepared for this summer. This intentional time to reflect on my life and prepare for the upcoming summer was great but what was even better was all the people there. There were people from numerous central and eastern European counties and many states of the US. There were so many different cultures and languages, but everyone was able to fellowship and connect with everyone else there.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

- Galations 3:28

Every team was prayed for the last day of intern training. We all gathered in a circle and layed hands on each team.

I was able to see the power of Christ to connect people across cultures and was reminded that God is the God of the whole world. All the people there serve the same God and truly love Him. I found no matter who I talked to among the interns and leaders, everyone loved God deeply and desired to do His will.

With intern training over, our team has moved to Ostrava and the interns in my team are living in our own apartment separate from our leaders. We will be living here for the next three weeks before camps start. I know very little of what I will be doing these next few weeks, but I am surrendering to God’s will. This upcoming week includes a Czech camps team meeting, a school visit to Třinec, and wedding for the youth leader at the church my home church partners with in Český Těšín.

Prayer Requests:

- For me to be flexible and to be able to find rest in God when there is no schedule or opportunity for me to spend any time alone.

- Our school visits these upcoming weeks are fruitful and it will encourage many students to come to camps.

- Unity and organization for our team

- My heart to be prepared for the upcoming camps. To have a heart to love others. To be filled with The Spirit, and boldness.