
Preparation, 5-14-24

In two weeks, I'm off to the Czech Republic for a 10-week internship with Josiah Venture. Despite mixed emotions about leaving home, I'm excited to follow Jesus and surrender my will. As an introvert, stepping out of my comfort zone is a big surrender to God's call. Reflecting on past missionary biographies, I'm amazed at how God has transformed my heart. I'm praying for a compassionate heart like Jesus and a faithful commitment to His mission. Grateful for the support, I'll be sharing updates and prayer requests in a blog series throughout the summer.

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Amazing Race and Intern Training, 6-6-24

My first week of the internship in the Czech Republic has been both challenging and rewarding. After arriving in Prague, we immediately started the Josiah Venture Amazing Race, which involved running around the country, completing challenges, and working as a team. It was exhausting, but my team placed second. The following days were spent in intern training, which was incredibly encouraging. We had lessons on various spiritual topics and connected with people from different cultures. I am now in Ostrava, and will be here for three weeks before camps start, doing school visits and various other activites to serve the missionaries here.

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Going Back to School and Czech Wedding, 6-12-24

This week entailed returning to school, visiting youth groups and outreach ministries, and the unique experience of a Czech wedding.

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Go! Go! Go! Rest..., 6-19-24

This week balanced intense activities with much-needed rest. We organized camp materials, participated in outreach events, and visited schools. Highlights included an ultimate frisbee outreach and an inspiring trip to Pardubice. After busy days, I found rest and time to reflect on God’s care and promises. As we prepare for the first short-term missionaries, I’m grateful for the support and encouragement from God and others.

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The Campers are Coming!, 6-26-24

Overall, a week of rest and much less business. We continued to visit Josiah Venture outreach programs such as Edge and Fusion, planned and prepared for camps, and attended youth group events.

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First Camp DONE!, 7-10-24

This was a jammed packed two weeks full of a lot of fun, difficulty, and emotions. God has grown me a lot through it, and I am humbled at how He has used me.

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Second Camp Down!, 7-24-24

This was a difficult week, but was also filled with blessings from God! He did a great work at camp!

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Final Camp Completed!, 8-4-24

God did an amazing work at this third and final camp. There was a lot of leaning on Him for strength as I was tired and seeing Him do good work and reveal Himself to students. Talking to fellow leaders from local Czech churches was amazing and I loved seeing the international body of Christ come together this week!

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